Check when you may be deficient in taurine that is important for your health

Check when you may be deficient in taurine that is important for your health.

Whydoes the body producetaurine?

Taurine has several important functions in the body:

  • has an antioxidant effect – neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals
  • improves metabolism – participates in the synthesis of bile acids, so it directly affects the digestion of food and accelerates fat loss
  • helps to remove unnecessary fats from the body
  • helps transport creatine to the muscles, supporting muscle recovery after exercise
  • helps to maintain proper hydration
  • supports the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins
  • improves memory and concentration
  • lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease – lowers blood pressure and strengthens contractions of the heart muscle
  • prevents the development of diabetes – contributes to the reduction of fasting sugar levels

Who is atrisk of taurinedeficiency

The human body produces small amounts of taurine, but the amount may be insufficient, especially in people who exercise.

Taurine is recommended primarily to those who regularly play sports:

  • facilitates the transport of creatine, which protects muscle cells against oxidative stress
  • reduces the production of serotonin – a hormone that causes muscle catabolic reactions. Thanks to this, the body does not feel tired and regenerates faster after training.
  • stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin, the increased amounts of insulin in the blood affect the faster growth of muscle tissue
  • increases the physical endurance of the muscles and restores it to the proper level in the muscles after exercise

What hasscientificresearchinvolvingathletesshown?

Professional cyclists and runners who supplemented with taurine improved exercise performance and traveled longer distances with less fatigue. Studies have shown that taurine removes waste products that cause fatigue and burn muscles.


The average daily dose should be in the range of 500 to 2000 mg. Its excess is removed with urine.